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I'm a Jewish fashionista living in New York and I write this blog to try to deliver modest fashion to all women, everywhere. This blog is all about Less Is More. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @vinniecocoa and on instagram @the.oak! CONTACT & INQUIRIES:

Thursday, January 15, 2015

@KensigntonRoyal: All About That Hemline and that Bump

Oh hey, Kate. Nice to see you out and about in only your second appearance since your trip to New York.

The now clearly pregnant Kate-- because honestly, it really wasn't clear that she was actually with child until now-- wore this blue (SHOCKER) Madderson London dress for a school visit. Practicing her PTA skills! The dress was shockingly short for the Princess who, other than her NY visit, is known for wearing longer, knee-length hemlines. This dress is cute. Not her best, but not bad. Never bad. It does accentuate her growing belly-- if one could actually call it growing. It's more like expanding at a glacial pace. We sure so hope an actual life-size baby comes out of there and not a cabbage patch kid.

You may be wondering who exactly @KensingtonRoyal is, and I shall tell you. Yesterday, the most glorious thing happened to twitter-- the Prince and Princess and their brother Harry joined twitter. Yes, their aides and advisers will now officially be tweeting on behalf of the royal trio under that twitter handle. CAN YOU HANDLE IT?

Don't ask me who that crazy human-being is next to Kate. I don't know and I don't care.

1 comment :

  1. I think the twitter handle is @KensingtonRoyal. @RoyalKensington looks to be a school in Spain.


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